Module 11 — Contacts For More Information
Problems with well construction or licensed
water well contractors
Complaints about seismic activity, water
wells affected by seismic activity, seismic
trespass, and damage
Complaints about water wells affected by
oil and gas well activities (including coal
bed methane)
a) Contact water well contractor first.
b) Contact:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s Environmental
Hotline: 1-800-222-6514
a) Call seismic company first (if unsure of company, contact Municipal Administrator).
b) Problems on private land contact:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Phone: (780) 427-3932
Problems on public lands contact:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
Phone: (780) 427-6597
These departments have investigators that will look into the problem and
mediate complaints.
c) If not resolved, the “Water Well Restoration or Replacement Program” is available
through the Farmers’ Advocate office.
Phone: 310-FARM
a) Contact oil or gas drilling company first.
b) Contact:
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s Environmental
Hotline: 1-800-222-6514
c) If not resolved, the “Water Well Restoration or Replacement Program” is available
through the Farmers’ Advocate’s office.
Phone: 310-FARM