Introduction — How to Use This Workbook
How to Use This Workbook
There are 12 modules in this workbook, many with worksheets for you to complete. There
is a pocket on the back cover for storing your worksheets. The pocket on the front cover is
for storing other well documents like your driller's report. Extra copies of worksheets are
included in the back cover pocket. Some topics will be of more interest to you than others,
but we urge you to start with Module 1 “Understanding Groundwater” and then move on to
topics that relate to your situation.
A video has been developed to be used in conjunction with the workbook. To obtain the
Water Wells That Last video, see page 92 in Module 12 “Other Resources”.
Module 1 Understanding Groundwater
Groundwater is vulnerable to overuse and misuse. With the information in this module,
you will better understand the complexities of groundwater and can use and protect the
groundwater on your land so that future generations can depend on the resource. You’ll also
look at factors that affect the quantity and quality of groundwater.
Module 2 Planning Your Water System
Use this module to assess whether your water source can meet your needs. You will
learn how to plan a water system designed to meet your needs today and in the future.
Worksheets allow you to calculate daily and annual water requirements and take a farm
water supply inventory.
Module 3 Design and Construction of Water Wells
Although you need to hire a licensed water well contractor to design and construct your
well and use suitable materials, it is important that you understand the process. You’ll learn
about choosing a suitable well site, proper design and completion.
Module 4 Water Well Drilling Agreements
This module gives an example of items that you and your licensed water well contractor
should discuss and agree to before starting any water well drilling.
All references to volumes or flow rates
are in Imperial measurements unless
otherwise specified.