Logistics & Transportation Listings

Pedersen Transport Ltd. Calgary, AB Phone:  403-236-1100 
Contact:  Brad  Simpson  
40 Technology Way
Calgary, AB    T3S 0B2
Phone:  403-236-1100    Fax:  403-236-1120    Toll Free:  1-877-965-2583   info@pedersentransport.com    www.pedersentransport.com 
Pedersen Transport has a great future. The management team is engaged and focused on our vision of being Alberta?s most valued carrier. With our strategically located terminals and modern equipment, we are in a good position to provide top notch service to our clients. And finally and most importantly, we know our business. Big enough to handle anything, personal enough to know you by name. We pick up and deliver in Alberta and around the continent. LTL -central and southern AB. Food/ree
Main Service Area:  Alberta