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flowers and berry picking are two examples. This can also be done with domesticated crops like
asparagus, potatoes, carrots or peas, as well as fruit. These classes work best with smaller groups.
Learn Great Food is a company from the mid-west that specializes in creating foraging and
cooking classes for their guests. Their itineraries last from a few hours to a few days. http://www.
Community Suppers
These events take place indoors at a community hall and food is served buffet style. The Maritimes
have lobster suppers in church basements, while the Alberta version often features turkey or
chicken. These are great opportunities to serve and promote local foods. Advance promotion and
education about local is great for both marketing and support. Here is an example from just
outside of Edmonton.
Long Lunches
This is an outdoor event that features tables put together to form one long table down the main
street of town. The street is closed to traffic during this time and local businesses participate in the
festive atmosphere. The meal is served buffet style and the menu often features roast meat, corn
(or another local vegetable), buns and desserts. The town of Warkworth, Ontario, population 800,
has had a long lunch in August for the last eight years.
Farm Dinners
This event takes place at a farm. Guests are e-mailed the location and directions five days prior.
Meal locations vary depending on the farm and the season. Tables are set-up outdoors in the corn
patch, beside a sunflower field or among the vines of the vineyard. With Alberta’s unpredictable
weather an empty greenhouse, very tidy garage or clean but rustic granary or barn could provide
shelter but still give the outdoor feel.
Food is served ‘family’ style with serving dishes passed amongst the guests who are seated at tables
of eight. The growers act as hosts, giving a tour and sharing the story of the foods being served.
The caterer or tour provider takes care of the logistics and preparation of the meal. Plate &
Pitchfork is a company from Oregon that arranges such events.
An Alberta example of this format took place September 2010 in a tent in Dry Island Buffalo
Jump Provincial Park. Called the Silver & Sage, it was a formal five course meal for 40 people
served in a tent without electricity and with portable water. As much as possible, food was
prepared in the chef’s kitchen in Calgary, the Trochu Community Centre was enlisted for
additional food preparation, and the final touches were completed in the kitchen tent at the site.